Look at them.Though poor in wealth, they are rich in joy...
I dare admit that i'm one who would never find joy from the littlest things in life
most of the time.
I'm too much of a person of practicality and a striver for over-achievements.
Little things in life were not found within the vision of my eyes.
I'd go bonkers, fuss, heave and sigh at my unattained targets.
I'd go ah-eh-ih-oh-uh, fake a smile and laugh feebly at lame jokes and at "immature" adults who seem to glad at every single things in life.
To me, they seem to be without a mind of their own and without goals.
However, these days i found myself smiling at the smallest of thing.
I guess, the little things in life are starting to find its place in my visions.
Noticing little things in life makes one livelier and happier.
And i'm the one now
I'm so glad.
alexia quotes: "ZOOM IN into your life now. You never know what little treasures you may discover.."